Anxiety Disorders

  • April has given herself over to her fear and anxiety. She is not sure why or how this happened to her, but she now is terrified to leave the house or venture into the unknown. She was previously cautious but things recently turned extreme. This video puts the learner into the room with her, as she explores the factors and symptoms of her condition and explains how she wound up like this.  
  • Phillip is a husband and father struggling with some significant issues in his life, including a chronically ill wife, and a young son that he worries is showing signs of Autism Spectrum Disorder. These latest revelations have put him over the edge and he's come in for help. Listen to his story, note what you think are his symptoms and determine your diagnosis.  
  • April has given herself over to her fear and anxiety. She is not sure why or how this happened to her, but she now is terrified to leave the house or venture into the unknown. She was previously cautious but things recently turned extreme. This video puts the learner into the room with her, as she explores the factors and symptoms of her condition and explains how she wound up like this.  
  • Phillip is a husband and father struggling with some significant issues in his life, including a chronically ill wife, and a young son that he worries is showing signs of Autism Spectrum Disorder. These latest revelations have put him over the edge and he's come in for help. Listen to his story, note what you think are his symptoms and determine your diagnosis.  
  • Dennis has presented for therapy after going to the hospital for what he believed to be a heart attack, but was actually caused by severe emotional distress. He explains that he once considered himself to be a rather laid back, unexciteable type, but over time, he developed a sense of fear, uncertainty, and doubt about his life and his ability to cope with factors beyond his control. Viewers are invited directly into the therapy session and asked to observe Dennis' responses and mannerisms. Through these observations, clues about his condition can be revealed and a potential diagnosis can be discovered.  
  • Marty has sought therapy to deal with a tremendous fear that has developed regarding the health and well-being of his parents. He explains that he began hyper-focusing on this after he left home for the first time to attend college. As he reports to the therapist how the condition has progressed and the severity of the symptoms he experiences, viewers can put together clues to establish a diagnosis.  
  • Rishi has presented for therapy to look at the issues that have led to recent professional and personal setbacks. He explains how he quickly lost confidence in himself after moving to a new city and starting a new job. He reports that he was once a more-focused, capable individual, but now he cannot think of anything other than the worst-case scenario. Rishi's thoughts, mannerisms, and words provide viewers with clues into his condition and potential diagnosis.  
  • Aaron is by all accounts a likable, well-mannered man, but he has an unreasonable fear that interferes with a number of areas of living. He recognizes it is irrational, but he is powerless against it. As the learner observes Aaron explain the issues, they are able to see his anxiety and emotional troubles manifest in his approach to therapy. He is obviously desperate and ashamed.  
  • Aaron has a severe issue with blood. When he sees it or thinks about it, he becomes overtaken by anxiety and emotional negativity. It's becoming more of an issue as he is developing diabetes and won't go see his doctor.  
  • April has always been a cautious individual but now is terrified of leaving the house or being in public with others. She sees the world as a threat and is unable to fully commit to work or social and family obligations, and she is beginning to come to terms with being alone.  
  • Dennis always thought of himself as a well-liked, easy-going type of guy, but recently he's started having recurrent bouts of anxiety to the point where he was rushed to the hospital thinking he was having a heart attack.  
  • When Marty went away to college, he found he was unable to deal with the distance between himself and his parents. He quickly dropped out and moved back home. Now he finds that he has tremendous anxiety and physical symptoms whenever he is forced to be away from them.  
  • Phillip is struggling with some significant issues in his life; his wife has just been diagnosed with Huntington's Disease; his son is autistic and he's been feeling completely anxious and overwhelmed for more than 6 months. He feels like everything's falling apart and he's helpless to deal with it.  
  • Randall works incredibly hard in the gym and eats right, so he's in great shape. But he's essentially blind to his own accomplishments and is prepared to do anything possible to achieve what he has already achieved, even if it has potentially fatal consequences.  
  • Rishi thought he was ready to take on the world when he moved and got his new job, but now he's having tremendous anxiety in work and social situations. He gets focused on everything that can go wrong until it actually does go wrong.  
  • Sylvia is a somewhat high-strung young woman who is concerned with how people see her. She has an uncontrollable habit of pulling out her eyelashes and eyebrows and was recently laid off from a job, and she suspects her condition may have played a role in it.  
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