Case Studies

In Case Studies, learners gain a holistic view of a patient's life through narrative footage and flashbacks. These immersive experiences layer flashback and reenactment scenes to enrich understanding of the patient’s condition and emotional state, thereby increasing engagement and promoting cognitive empathy.

  • Aaron has a severe issue with blood. When he sees it or thinks about it, he becomes overtaken by anxiety and emotional negativity. It's becoming more of an issue as he is developing diabetes and won't go see his doctor.  
  • Alex grew up seeing poker and gambling as his connection to adulthood. After moving to Las Vegas to make a career out of it, his addiction took complete control of his life. Not only has he lost everything, but now has loan sharks searching for him.  
  • Alexis used to have childhood nightmares. For the last year, they?ve been coming two or three times a week. She wakes up screaming, needing her girlfriend to rescue her from the paralysis she feels. The relationship is on the verge of collapse and Alexis needs help.  
  • Aliyah Williams will tell anyone who'll listen that she has a successful business; two wonderful children - though her daughter could lose a few pounds, several successful marriages from which she profited handsomely. Unfortunately, her son has suggested the pressure may be affecting her.  
  • Amrita has never had a particularly high opinion of herself and she recalls feeling great shame when she was younger by things like snacking or indulging. She struggles with recurring sadness and low mood.  
  • Angela feels cruelly abused. She has so much love to give. Yet people are always disappointing her. She?s constantly being abandoned by friends and lovers who tell her she?s too intense. She just wants to shower them with love--and get the same in return. Is that so much to ask?  
  • April has always been a cautious individual but now is terrified of leaving the house or being in public with others. She sees the world as a threat and is unable to fully commit to work or social and family obligations, and she is beginning to come to terms with being alone.  
  • During Bill's 2nd year in college, he began having episodes where he felt very depressed, and then episodes where be extremely hyper and overly confident. These mood changes began happening more regularly and he is getting increasingly worried about what will happen to him next.  
  • Bobby was a tough little kid. He had to be. His father was a violent drunk and liked to come after him. He got even by poisoning his father?s dog. He started boosting cars before he was fifteen. He?s been in and out of jail--since then. He considers himself a sharp guy; he knows how to find the angles.  
  • At 16, Brent has already had the discipline and emotional issues for many years. He takes pride in his indiscretions: skipping school, starting fires, getting in fights, petty theft, and fantasizing about his classmates and adults in his life dying horrible, painful deaths.  
  • Camila has been experiencing isolated incidents where her mood drops considerably, and she feels extremely low. She is overwhelmed by the depression and helpless to fight it and has been increasingly thinking about suicide.  
  • 14-year-old Carl was abandoned by his mother when he was seven. But even before his mother left, at the age of four, Carl was already blinking a lot and made jerky movements with his head or his shoulder. Eventually, the uncontrollable blurting out of bad words has become a part of his daily life.  
  • Cliff, a chiropractor with a failing business, has been mandated by the court to attend therapy sessions for his DUI. Here we learn about his pressures and how he has justified his drinking as well as behaviors around hiding his drinking.  
  • Cliff, a chiropractor with a failing business, is struggling with an alcohol use disorder. He?s now on the second day of withdrawal. He's irritable, exasperated, angry, self-pitying, desperate. He alternates between lashing out and collapsing in powerlessness.  
  • Cliff is a chiropractor with a failing business. He feels unfairly treated by life; trapped by the responsibilities of his job, and being saddled with a mousy wife and a stuttering son. He's always drunk, but as the years have gone by, his problem has gotten worse and worse. In this video, he has just been arrested for a DUI and is in the ER.  
  • Since losing his partner a few years ago, Dan has had no interruptions in his mourning, and thinks about the loss of his loved one nearly every moment of every day. He does not feel he is making any progress toward leading a ?normal? life or moving on.  
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