Case Studies

In Case Studies, learners gain a holistic view of a patient's life through narrative footage and flashbacks. These immersive experiences layer flashback and reenactment scenes to enrich understanding of the patient’s condition and emotional state, thereby increasing engagement and promoting cognitive empathy.

  • Struggling with her relocation to Boise for her wife Jordan's job, Shondra grapples with feelings of isolation and identity as a Black, gay woman in a conservative town, far removed from the supportive community and family dynamics of her Chicago upbringing. Facing both blatant discrimination and personal discontent, she contemplates therapy and seeks a balance between supporting Jordan, fostering her own well-being, and creating a new sense of community in an unfamiliar environment.  
  • Shondra has been struggling to make connections at her new job and new community in Boise. Her wife Jordan's job has taken up the bulk of her time, leaving Shondra feeling socially isolated and unsupported. She grapples with the challenges of an interracial same-sex relationship, and has been turning to resources like online groups for support.  
  • Stephanie?s under enormous pressure with the impending death of her father which is causing her to feel as if she?s stepped outside herself. It?s like someone else is in charge of her body and her life and she's just a bystander in her own mind, unable to regain control.  
  • Sylvia is a somewhat high-strung young woman who is concerned with how people see her. She has an uncontrollable habit of pulling out her eyelashes and eyebrows and was recently laid off from a job, and she suspects her condition may have played a role in it.  
  • Teri has always been shy. She sees herself as socially inept, unappealing, and inferior to others. She can?t get herself to feel comfortable in social situations so she avoids them as much as she can. It?s the same with new situations or activities. Better not to risk them because she?ll just embarrass herself.  
  • Terry is now 13 years old but has been stuttering since he first learned to talk. He's endured endless teasing at school but is beginning to find the resources to overcome his disorder. But his father's alcoholism and constant disappointment in him are making it all the harder for him to overcome it.  
  • Tracy was always part of the ?popular? girls. But her jealousy over how thin she perceives her friends to be has caused her to go to extreme measures for controlling her weight, including throwing up after big meals and exercising to the point of exhaustion.  
  • After graduating college, Tyler began hearing voices in his head. They would tell him to be distrustful of others and clue him into the conspiracies and deceit happening around him. He believes the delusions and they have taken over his life.  
  • Zack is an 8-year-old boy displaying multiple routines and behaviors that are associated with Autism Spectrum Disorder. His father shares important details about Zack?s behavior and timeline.  
  • Phillip has become increasingly concerned about his 8-year-old son, Zack, whose behavior seems different from other kids. Zack struggles with social interaction, shows repetitive habits, and his school performance declines. Despite Phillip?s efforts to connect with Zack, tension builds at home, especially with his wife, Kristen, who pushes for a professional assessment. As Phillip reflects on his parenting, the family navigates the challenges of understanding and supporting Zack, while confronting the uncertainties of his future.  
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