Motivation & Emotion
Dennis always thought of himself as a well-liked, easy-going type of guy, but recently he's started having recurrent bouts of anxiety to the point where he was rushed to the hospital thinking he was having a heart attack.
Katrina began having mood fluctuations a few years ago, which ranged from moderately depressed to a happier, more hyper mood at other times. The fluctuations began increasing in frequency and she now feels helpless to control herself at any given moment.
Kristen is feeling very depressed. Her husband has been experiencing a prolonged period of anxiety, her son has Autism Spectrum Disorder, and she has just been diagnosed with Huntington?s Disease.
Sean has had trouble with his temper. He easily gets frustrated and is quick to get angry. He looks to escalate tensions and situations rather than find a peaceful solution, and he is often feeling slighted or victimized by others even if there is no evidence of the offense.