Neurocognitive Disorders
For some individuals, the development of decreased or impaired mental function is not the cause of a psychiatric illness, but rather a result of outside factors, such as a medical disease or other problems with the brain or the neural pathways.
His friends and family have always felt they could count on Emmanuel to be grounded and stable. He is in a stable marriage and works a steady job, but one night, things drastically changed. After working on fixing an appliance in the home, Emmanuel's husband noticed he was acting in a strange, unpredictable way. Viewers of this video observe an evaluation where Emmanuel's husband sits with him and a therapist to figure out what is going on with him. As the details of the night and the incidents leading up to it are explored, learners are given an opportunity to seek out clues to his condition as they try to solve the mystery of his condition.
Carl was abandoned by his mother at age seven and now lives with his grandmothe. He was severely impacted by this, but his grandmother actually noticed odd behaviors and actions he enacted even before that. He explains that as young as 4 years old, he was blinking frequently and often made jerky movements with his head or his shoulder. Hoping he would just grow out of it, there was no significant intervention. As he grew older, the disturbances became more significant and included unwanted speech and verbal explosions. In this video, learners are given the opportunity to observe Carl and his behaviors right before their eyes. His explanation of the development of the condition and his unprovoked on-screen movements and statements provide insight into his potential diagnosis.