Disruptive, Impulse, & Conduct Disorders: Learning Diagnosis
Brent has been brought to therapy to discuss his increasingly problematic behavior in school and at home. He reports he is proud of the trouble he causes and believes he is justified in his actions. As viewers watch him share his incidents, including starting fires, getting in fights, and petty theft, they observe behaviors and tendencies that can lead them to establishing a diagnosis.
Sean presents for therapy looking for help with his temper. He has allowed his anger and frustration to take over, and he is aware of the negative impact it has had on his life and his relationships. He explains that he actively looks to create conflict when he feels disrespected, and he often finds himself feeling victimized by others. These are all clues the viewer can use to provide a potential diagnosis of Sean's disorder.
During her therapy session, Dana explains how her behavior and nature has become significantly more disruptive and confrontational during the current school year. The viewers observes as she reports on the incidents that led her to therapy and take note of the symptoms on display. As Dana interacts and responds to the therapist, information and clues to her disorder are revealed so the viewer can make their own diagnosis.