Personality Disorders
When Bobby was a kid, his father was violent and abusive, so Bobby decided to get revenge by poisoning dad's dog. That was just the beginning. Stealing cars as a teenager and committing other crimes kept him going in and out of jail for most of his young life. Now in his 30s, he continues his patterns of behavior, though he has evolved to a place where he considers himself a true artist of the con. His lifestyle includes gambling, reckless driving, and substance abuse, but he thinks he has it all under control. In this video, learners have the unique opportunity to observe Bobby at his most honest, reflective time. As they watch his therapy session, his mannerisms, behaviors, and words are on display, allowing the learner to assess and consider potential diagnoses on the spot.
Everyone says Teri is just shy, but she thinks there's more to it than that. She finds herself to be less than other people, as she is socially inept and generally unappealing in her mind, so she is incredibly uncomfortable around other people and in social situations. She actively avoids scenarios she thinks she will be judged or embarrassed by, which includes turning down a promotion at work because she is terrified she will fail and be exposed. She wants success and love and everything else life has to offer, but she still chooses to be safe and comfortable by herself. As Teri describes her thoughts and feelings, the viewer sees the reality of how she feels. This raw look at her therapy session allows learners to put themselves in the shoes of her therapist, searching for clues and indications of the truth within Teri's words and behaviors.
Angela puts a lot of effort into being a good friend, good girlfriend, and a good person, but she doesn't feel she gets the appreciation she deserves to the point where she feels as if she is being cruelly abused by others. In her recollection, every time she becomes close with someone, they ultimately hurt her or distance themselves from her. She has been told that it is hard to be around her because she is so intense with her love and affection, but she does not understand how that is possible. As viewers watch her session, they are witness to her speech and behavioral patterns, each revealing a little more about her and her condition. Through direct observation, symptoms and clues to her diagnosis are revealed.
Rhonda's husband, Cliff, is the center of her universe. He always knows what to do and how to do it, and without him, Rhonda feels she would be completely lost. She explains that even though he has a drinking problem, she believes him when he says he has it under control. She needs to believe him, and even if she didn't, she wouldn't dare question him or risk offending him. She couldn't even consider a life without him. Her fear of what would happen if he ever left her and abandoned their child controls much of what she does and how she acts. In this video, the viewer observes Rhonda's session, as she opens up about her feelings. Her words and behaviors are clues to her condition, as the learner must decipher what is real and what is Rhonda's perception of reality.
Lucy has a consistent need to be recognized as the center of attention in any social situation she is in, no matter where she is or who she is with. She flaunts how she looks and believes that all men have great desire for her. Her bubble is about to burst, though, as a former lover has begun posting unflattering photos of her with cruel, hurtful messages on social media. The impact of these actions on her daily life and her sense of self are subtly on display for the viewer as they watch the video. Witnessing Lucy in her truest form, learners observe her mannerisms, behaviors, and thought patterns, as they seek understanding of her condition and her outlook on the world.
Aliyah has worked hard to be a success in nearly every aspect of her life. She has a thriving business and is thrilled with her children, and she even has some pride from her divorces, which she benefitted from financially. She arrives for therapy because what she believes to be a "perfect" existence is starting to show some cracks. Her son is concerned she is not reacting well to the stresses of her life, her daughter has become uncooperative when it comes to Aliyah's suggestions she loses some weight, and she is having problems at work, including a potentially explosive incident with an employee. Aliyah's reality and her perceptions of reality are on full display in this video. Viewers are given an unfiltered look at her therapy session, as she speaks and enacts behaviors that, when observed, provide a better understanding of who she is and how she feels.
Jasmine has come to therapy at the request of her supervisor, who recognized a compulsive need to review and revise every detail of every project, to the point that she has consistently missed deadlines and upset clients. Jasmine's explanation is that she doesn?t see it that way. What good would her work product be if it isn?t absolutely, rigorously completed and cross-checked every possible way. She finds it exhausting, and because of her devotion to work she does not have many friends or a social life. She explains that her one real friend, Gwen, actually makes her feel ill by how she wastes money. Jasmine does not understand why others are not as frugal or detail-oriented as she is, and she is concerned she will continue to pay the price for it. By observing and making note of Jasmine's expressions, mannerisms, and speech, viewers can decipher clues to decide what her diagnosis may be.
Lou has long been distrustful of those around you, believing that even your friends and family are just using you and waiting to betray you. As he grew older, this distrust has grown and he is now constantly guarded. It is affecting his work and is threatening his marriage. As the viewer watches Lou tell his story, his symptoms and behaviors are exposed through his actions and his words. The learner shares the room with Lou, observing his approach to the conversation and looking for clues to his diagnosis.
Malcolm has grown up in privilege and has grown to be inconsiderate and unthinking about the needs and feelings of others. His mother, in particular, has become annoying to him, as he finds her to be needy and clingy. Malcolm just wants to be left alone. As the viewer witnesses the therapy session first-hand, the specifics of Malcolm's behaviors and thoughts become clear, including details like his flat and affectless speech and his lack of interest in sex or personal relationships. The learner is given an opportunity to use these details to detect symptoms and apply them to making a diagnosis.
Ken is considered a bit of a loner, and he has chosen this way of life due to a general distrust of other people. He believes he has an exceptional ability to sense what others are thinking and feeling, and he presents himself as odd to others in how he dresses and speaks. He does not have friends, and the few times he has been on dates, he was incredibly uncomfortable. Recently, he has neglected his relationship with his sister, who was his last real connection with another person, and his "premonitions" have become more frequent and have taken the form of mild hallucinations. As viewers observe Ken's therapy session, they are met with a number of explicit and implicit clues to his potential diagnosis. Details from his speech and behaviors provide clues to what disorder he is struggling with.