With the release of the DSM-5-TR, there are numerous changes and revisions to consider. This video provides an overview of these changes and explores the reason for the updates made. The role of the DSM in mental health practice is also showcased.
At the end of 2015, practitioners in the United States were expected to change the manner in which they were coding disorders for clients. It was decided at that time that the International Classification of Diseases, Tenth Revision, Clinical Modification was to be the Universally-approved resource for coding. This video explores the reason for the change and how it has impacted the newly published DSM-5-TR.
When the DSM-5 was published years ago, it was decided that big changes should be made to the organization of the manual. These were decided to make navigation easier and to attach purpose to the locations of various sections. In considering changes for the DSM-5-TR, no revisions of this type were made. In this video, the intent for this non-action is explored.
For decades, the DSM has been the gold-standard resource for identifying and defining disorders and symptoms for mental health professionals in the field. As time goes on, updates are regularly published, with brand new editions coming periodically through the years. With the introduction of the DSM-5-TR, tremendous efforts have been made to build on the success of the DSM-5, while revising it for use in the modern world.
Creating a completely updated edition of the DSM is an incredibly ambitious pursuit. The team of professionals and contributors is a unique combination of participants from a wide variety of fields and focuses who come together with a single goal in mind: creating the most effective resource for identifying and diagnosing disorders. This video informs viewers about who these people are and what they bring to the table.
Though there are not an overwhelming amount of changes in the DSM-5-TR, there is one very significant one: the inclusion of a brand disorder, "Prolonged Grief Disorder." The process and the efforts to get this included in the new edition of the manual are explored as well as an explanation of how emerging disorders are tracked for possible inclusion in future manuals.
With the release of the DSM-5-TR, there are numerous changes and revisions to consider. This video provides an overview of these changes and explores the reason for the updates made. The role of the DSM in mental health practice is also showcased.
These were times where the public, as well as mental health professionals, commonly used different terminology and held certain beliefs about individuals from specific demographics or groups. As understanding and sensitivities have changed, some of the content of the DSM was found to be problematic or, at the very least, outdated. In response to concerns raised throughout the years, the DSM-5-TR has sought to update, clarify, and refocus some of the content that pertains to these populations.
Section III of the DSM has always been a critical part of the manual, as it includes resources for clinicians and descriptions of new and emerging disorders for consideration. In considering changes to be made in the DSM-5-TR, there were a number of revisions made that should provide greater clarity and ease-of-use for those in the field.
Throughout previous editions of the DSM, there were no diagnostic codes present for Suicidal Behavior and Nonsuicidal Self-Injury. In considering revisions for the DSM-5-TR, it was decided that the community would benefit from being able to cite these codes when making diagnoses. These new codes were placed in section 2 under, ?other conditions that may be a focus of clinical attention.
After repeatedly finding that a small phrase found in the DSM-5 criteria for Autism Spectrum Disorder was misleading practitioners, a revision was ordered for DSM-5-TR. The new text should offer more clarity and consistency.
One mission of the DSM-5-TR was to more closely align terminology and phrasing with other accepted resources and documents. One popular resource that was strongly considered was the World Health Organization?s International Classification of Diseases. In an effort to reduce confusion and to provide a single, approved entry for the disorder, the text and title for "Intellectual Developmental Disorder (Intellectual Disability)" was implemented in the DSM-5-TR.
The text for "Bipolar I Disorder" in DSM-5-TR has seen a number of changes, each of which is critical for fully understanding and diagnosing the disorder effectively. These revisions cover not only specific criteria but also specify that will help clinicians give a more detailed understanding of their client's condition. Covering sections including Criterion B, Mood-Congruent/Mood Incongruent Psychotic Features Specifiers, and Severity Specifiers, the revisions add clarity and functionality to the description provided in the manual.
While making revisions in the DSM-5-TR, the committee had to consider a number of areas within the definition of "Bipolar II Disorder". Sections such as Criterion C, the Mood-Congruent/Mood Incongruent Psychotic Features specifier, and the Severity Specifiers, were altered to provide greater clarity and detail, while also allowing for a greater understanding of the specific nature of the client's symptoms. The purpose of these changes is to allow clinicians to identify elements of the disorder more effectively.
An example provided in the DSM-5 entry for "Other Specified Bipolar and Related Disorder" was intended to provide greater clarity, but instead, it conflicted with another, established disorder definition. This issue was overlooked with the publishing of the DSM-5 but is now being addressed. Elimination of the example was found to be sufficient, while another example, "Manic Episode Superimposed? was added in a separate section to expand the scope of the definition.
When the DSM-5 came out, it replaced the previous DSM IV grouping for Mood Disorders with two separate categories, ?bipolar and related disorders? and ?depressive disorders." In addition to the two disorders being separated, the text for criterion A was changed in each. The result of this change in the text was misleading language that could have been misinterpreted as ?requiring elevated, expansive, or irritable mood or markedly diminished interest or pleasure in all, or almost all, activities.? This has been remedied in the revised manual.