In the years since the publishing of the DSM-5, it was found that some cases of "Other Specified Feeding Disorder" were being misclassified as a result of the example given for "Atypical Anorexia Nervosa." It was unclear as written and led many clinicians to misinterpret the intent of the example. To remedy the problem, the DSM-5-TR example text was adjusted to provide clarity and flexibility in how the disorder would be diagnosed and classified.
A focus of the revision committee was to align the manual more closely with other documents and resources commonly used in the mental health community. In considering the International Classification of Sleep Disorders, 3d edition (ICSD 3) and International Classification of Diseases, 11th edition (ICD-11), it was decided that significant changes would have to be made to the "Narcolepsy" entry, specifically the definitions of five DSM-5 categories for the disorder.
The DSM is constantly changing to reflect the way the public and those working in the mental health field view or understand a diagnosis. When a name change is accepted, the next edition typically includes a parenthetical reference to the outgoing name. When the subsequent edition comes out, the parenthetical is typically removed, leaving only the new name. This video explores the name-change process for "Social Phobia" and how it came to pass over the course of three editions of the manual.